Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween and early class today

Happy Halloween! And we have an extra hour and fifteen minutes of class today.

Come in early, at 6:45 PM, and class will be end as usual at 9:30 PM.

This is our "treat" of Halloween, no trick.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The enrollment is rolling.

The admission and enrollment of our class is rolling. Please contact with us or pay a visit to see yourself. You will like this club.

Questions? twkendopa@gmail.com

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Princeton Kendo & Iaido Club

If you are in the area of Princeton, New Jersey, please also visit our affliate dojo:
Princeton Kendo & Iaido Club, Cherry Hill Ken-yu Kai 櫻山劍友會.

Here is their website: http://www.princetonkendo.com/

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Kendo Rank

Kendo Rank
There are no outward signs of rank such as a “belt” as in other kinds of martial arts. Kendo follows the ranking system as follows:

Kyu is the entry level. Students are graded from 6th to 1st. 1st-kyu is the highest. They are called ro-kyu (6), go-kyu (5), yon-kyu (4), san-kyu (3), ni-kyu (2), i-kyu (1) respectively.

Follow by successfully passed the i-kyu test, more advanced grades are loosely identified as “black belt” in general, from 1st-dan to 10th-dan. 10th-dan is the highest rank. They are sho-dan (1), ni-dan (2), san-dan (3), yon-dan (4), go-dan (5), roku-dan (6), nana-dan (7), hachi-dan (8), kyu-dan (9), ju-dan (10).

In the real life, there is no one to judge tests for kyu-dan and ju-dan levels and therefore, hachi-dan (8) is the highest obtainable rank nowadays.

Welcome to KENDO world!

Join with us to discover the most traditional way to approach the SAMURAI world~ KENDO!!

Time: Every Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00~9:30 PM, Fall 2006

Location: Black Belt Academy. 325 Westtown Road, West Chester, PA 19382

Telephone: 610-431-0866

In touch with Sensei Lan, email: twkendopa@gmail.com

Our Website: http://www.freewebs.com/twkendopa/

Website of Black Belt Academy:

Maps of our location:

Friday, October 06, 2006

13th WKC in Taipei, Taiwan on Dec. 8th-10th, 2006

on Dec. 8-10, 2006, 13th Wold Kendo Championship will be in Taipei, Taiwan

Detail information please see:

All Japan Kendo Federation

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Special VIP~ ONLY for West Chester University Students

Special VIP Offer!! West Chester University students only!!

*FREE One week trial + FREE Shinai and Shinai bag (if register by Oct. 31st, 2006)