Good morning, Ken Wa Kan,
I hope you had a good sleep last night. You all did a great job yesterday. The test results will be announced whenever I receive it from the Federation.
Here are our December Events:
1. 12/2, Sunday: 2007 EUSKF Shinsa: Done!
2. 12/6, Thursday: It will be John's last class with us. Please come, have a good practice with him, and send him our best wishes.
3. 12/8, Saturday, 4 PM: Princeton Kendo & Iaido Club Holiday Party at Yang sensei's house.
4. 12/16, Sunday: Kelly is holding a Kendo Holiday Party at her new house. More details will be announced.
5. 12/20, Thursday: KWK's last class before the Christmas! Please do your best to attend.
(NO class on December 25th Christmas Day and January 1st New Year's Day. The class on Thursday December 27th is still going to run.)
Again, you all really did a great job at the shinsa. In my opinion, you have overcome and passed this tough test. Keep working hard and I will see you in the class.