There are some up-coming events at Ken Wa Kan in August. Please do your best to join with us.
1. August 9th, Thursday: Yang Sensei from Princeton Kendo & Iaido Club will give us a 30 mins Iaido demo/introduction. After that, we will have a joint Kendo practice.
2. August 11th, Satursday: Yang sensei invites all of our Ken Wa Kan members to join Princeton Kendo & Iaido Club annual BBQ at his house. *Note on 8/2/2007: the event is canceled and to be resheduled due to Yang Sensei's conflict with his business trip.*
3. August 16th, Thursday: Before John's leaving in August, we are going to have an in house testing for him. As we can see, John is such a hard working kenshi who lives in South of New Jersey and comes to study kendo with us two nights per week. Please come to observe, learn the testing process, and send John our best wishes.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David
Date: Jul 26, 2007 3:10 PM
Subject: Up coming events
Greeting Princeton's Kendoka,
Quick reminders, we have 3 events coming this August.
8/9/07 Thursday 8-9:30pm Iaido Demo and Joint Kendo Kata practice at Lan Sensei's Dojo (325 Westtown road, West Chester, PA 19382)
8/11/07 Saturday 4:30 Annual Summer BBQ and meeting at my house (21 Orchid Lane, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002)
8/12/07 Sunday 10:30-2:30pm Iaido Seminar with Sachiko and John Sensei
I need to know how many of you can make it to the Iaido Demo on 8/9 and/or BBQ Party at 8/11. Please reply!!
Lan Sensei,
Please invite your students to join us at our BBQ party on 8/11/07
I also like to extend this invitation to Kendoka on this list that occasionally practices with us; we like to see you TOO!
Happy summer~
David Yang
Princeton Kendo & Iaido Club
Princeton University Kendo Club